Droneworkshop for bedrifter

MAKEeadron's drone building course is an incredibly fun and innovative form of team building. Participants will build and fly a quadcopter from scratch.

Droneworkshop Cutting Edge Festival

Both drone building sets and workshop were developed by dronekeepert Henning Pedersen. He is previously known for the megacopter, the world's largest radio controlled multicopter. There will also be the opportunity to buy construction kits.

Single courseMakeadrone micro

Simplified micro -building kit with drop in option. Here are used small 50 grams quadcopers.. They are built in 1-2 hours or even shorter on drop in. Due to the size, it requires less space and the flight can be done just as well as outside.

 Advanced course

500 grams quadcopters Built from scratch. The courses take 4-6 hours and fit up to 20 people interested in technology. The course includes renting a building kit.

Course overview:

  • Technical introduction of components and floatory
  • Mounting of frame
  • Mounting electronic components
  • Programming of radio receiver and board card
  • Testing and flight training

Contact henning@makeadron.net, tel 98665984 for an offer!



Drone workshop with makeadrone

DronebyggingTeam buildingWorkshop